Year 1

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FMP: Evaluation

What did I produce and why? For my final major project I decided to write a script for and produce a video game called, The Faces of Gravenhold. This particular medium is one I haven’t yet had the opportunity to explore on my course and – in an effort to do something that stood out…

Final Major Project Log #9-11

#11 – 03/06/22 The final week of my project development has been a hectic one for me to say the least. My project partner was unfortunately unable to complete her side of the project in time for the due date as she was struggling with some personal issues. While progress had been made on the…

Final Major Project Log #5-8

#8 – 13/05/2022 Unfortunately, during this week I was unable to make significant progress on my project as I had, once again, gotten sick. I did, however, still try to make an effort by revising my flowcharts as I noticed I had been making a mistake with some of the diagrams. After combing through these…


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