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FMP Year 2: Learning Journal

13th March This year I kicked off my FMP by taking a trip with the college to Tenerife. Over the two weeks I was supposed to spend there, I would have worked with a charity called Whale Nation in their animal rescue projects all the while learning about the island’s cultures; specifically its witches and…

FMP Year 2: Project Proposal

Dylan Whitehall 256487 Project Proposal: Final Major Project – Flicks Area of Activity: Film – Screenwriting Rationale During the second year of my course I have had the opportunity to learn about screenwriting and write my own scripts. In October I collaborated with students from other courses to create a production in the style of…

FMP Year 2: Research and Inspiration

Primary Research Books: Two pieces of research that have been instrumental to the development of my project have been Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting by Syd Field and Joker: The Official Script Book – the published version of Todd Phillip and Scott Silver’s script for Joker (2019).  The former was a detailed introduction to the…

FMP Year 2: Evaluation

Production For my second final major project of this course I decided to write a screenplay for my own  short horror film called, FLICKS. Throughout this past year I have worked on a number of  projects that involved screenwriting, the production of films and an abundance of research  behind the medium in general. I felt…


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About Me

Hello! My name’s Dylan and I’m a creative writing student with hopes of one day becoming a professional writer. I love fantasy and horror, rinse most of my wages on books and video games and vehemently despise early morning starts. Why spend your precious time reading my blog? Well, not even I could tell you that. But if you, dear reader, do decide to stick around I hope to share with you my work through various writing projects and build upon my skills from the feedback given to me.

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Weekly Learning Journal:

100 Word Review Analysis Archetypes Audio Audiobook Cathartic Piece Cathartic Process Character analysis Comic books Confessionalism and Catharsis Confessional poetry Creative Piece dark fantasy Dead Meat Dialogue Edgar Allen Poe Evaluation Film Final Major Project FMP log FMP Year 2 Genre Gothic Genre Gothic LIterature Halloween Kills Horror Horror Stories Journalism Podcast Podcasts Poem Progress update Realism Research Research and Comic Books Review show dont tell Sylvia Plath The Black Cat The Cathartic Process TikTok Update Log Videogame Watchmen Weekly Learning Journal – Year 1