
Podcast: Evaluation

Structure and Narrative My group and I decided to stray from a traditional podcast and instead create a story focused audiobook. Since there were three of us in the group, we decided to split the final pieces into three distinct segments to better represent each of our ideas. The first is a drama about a…

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Podcast Analysis – Unit 10

Overview of Content Dead Meat Podcast The first podcast I chose for my research was one I also looked at last year: The Dead Meat Podcast. I chose this show once again because it aligns with my interests perfectly and I am often fascinated by the discussions featured throughout. The Dead Meat Podcast, a spin…

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TikTok for Dummies

TikTok’s editing feature offers creators a whole host of options when it comes to touching up their content. With such a useful tool at their fingertips it would be a waste for TikTok journalists not to make use of it:  At first glance the caption feature in this editor may seem underwhelming for journalists trying…

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TikTok: Final Product

TikToks: Script: Thoughts: Due to my inability to work with acting students, filming restrictions, scheduling conflicts with the people I did work with and – admittedly – some poor planning on my end, I was unable to create all five of my planned TikToks. I feel that these hurdles also prevented me from conveying the…

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TikTok: Idea Development

For my foray into “TikTok journalism” I decided to take a less traditional route. Using “A Guide to Nottingham,” as my base theme I set out to create a five-part script that followed a fictional character’s daily routine in Nottingham. The twist being that this character isn’t as innocent as they seem as each TikTok…

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Journalism on TikTok

Over the course of the last four years TikTok has exploded in popularity across the globe thanks to its short-form content and incredible accessibility. The app’s intuitive design has attracted a wide array of content creators, including journalists who have begun to adapt their work to its style of video.  Adapting to TitTok’s Content Traditional…

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