
Tales From The Bleeding Door (Sample – email me to listen to full audio!)

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Audiobook Update Log #2

As mentioned in my previous update log, part of my audiobook was inspired by children’s shows like Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids because of the ‘crypt keeper’ structure they adopt. While I may no longer be including this structure in my audiobook, mostly due to time constraints, I am still going forward with the logo…

Podcast Research

In preparation for my audiobook project I did some more research into different podcasts, looking at SFX and recording techniques in particular – just like my earlier review on the Dead Meat Podcast. As an introductory series I was first directed to the British radio drama, The Archers. Broadcasting since 1951 and having aired over…

Audiobook Update Log #1

For my podcast project I have decided to go down the route of something more akin to an audiobook. Since the horror genre is one I am particularly interested in, I have begun brainstorming ideas for a collection of short stories that I can translate to the audio medium with various voice actors/actresses narrating the…

Dead Meat Podcast Review

Recently I’ve been listening to a podcast featured on the Dead Meat youtube channel, aptly named, the Dead Meat Podcast. It’s a weekly series created by Chelsea Rebecca that, like its parent channel, covers all things horror. From horror films to more specific topics, such as the discussion of remakes and jumpscares, the Dead Meat…