Weekly Learning Journal – 29/11/21

The Cathartic Process:

Last week I began compiling my notes for my cathartic process project proposal into a cohesive post for my blog. Looking back at these initial notes I can start to see why there might have been confusion during my pitch as some of these writings are hard to piece together – even for me. In future I might benefit from adding some structure and organisation to my notes, even if they are only a part of an initial brainstorming process. 

Research and Comic Books:

In this section of the course I took a break from my comic book script to take an in depth look at Watchmen and its film adaptation. I found analysing the transition between the two mediums to be interesting and I enjoyed getting a chance to take a look at writing like Alan Moore’s. However, after finishing my work on the topic I felt that it was a bit lacking compared to some of my other work and might have to come back to it at a later date to make additions if I can. Though we took a break from writing scripts, I also began thinking about the monsters for my comic book and started sketching out a few design concepts. 


Unfortunately, half way through the week I became ill and missed this week’s lesson on audio. However, to make up for that, I compiled some notes from previous sessions as well as some other pieces of work into another post for my blog. But like my work on Watchmen I feel that its contents were probably lacking. 

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